Archaeology Café Event Announcement

For several years (first as an employee, now as a contractor), I’ve worked with the outreach team at Archaeology Southwest to design postcard announcements at the start of each season of Archaeology Café. In recent years, I’ve also designed accompanying digital and email graphics to help connect new people to this beloved series.

Each season of Archaeology Café is centered around a theme, and for the 2021⁠-2022 season, the theme was Avian Archaeology. As the lectures from this season and accompanying issue of Archaeology Southwest Magazine make clear, macaws held great significance to many of the ancestral communities in the US Southwest and Mexican Northwest. Featuring these bright and colorful macaw feathers on this season’s graphics helped to not only attract attention to this series, but also pique lecture-goers’ interest in a main topic of focus.

Download postcards for past seasons:

Get in touch

Drop me a line, and let’s discuss your next project, vision, or goal you’re trying to meet.

I look forward to hearing from you!